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[당 정치위원회의 잡담] 이제 광장에서 성조기 태워야지ㅋ?

[USA Today] White House turns to rainbow after gay marriage ruling

The White House is blanketed in rainbow colors symbolizing LGBT pride in Washington on June 26, 2015. The US Supreme Court ruled Friday that gay marriage is a nationwide right, a landmark decision in one of the most keenly awaited announcements in decades and sparking scenes of jubilation. (Photo: MOLLY RILEY, AFP/Getty Images)

The White House was lit up in rainbow colors Friday night to celebrate the Supreme Court's ruling on gay marriage.

In a statement, the president's office said the White House took on the symbolic colors of gay pride "to demonstrate our unwavering commitment to progress and equality, here in America and around the world."

Shortly after 7 p.m.. the north front of the White House was lit up in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet as about a hundred people — both gay pride activists and tourists — looked on.

The Supreme Court ruled 5-4 Friday that states cannot prohibit marriages between two people of the same sex.

President Obama hailed the ruling earlier in the day, calling it "a big step in our march toward equality."

비록 확률은 소숫점에 불과하지만, 광화문에 모여서 진짜로 태우면 어떤 일이 벌어질지 내심궁금

.....일단 (포스팅 완료 시점 기준으로) 아침에 미국은 졸라 시끄러울테고...'ㅅ')

※ 매번 느끼는거지만, 동성애가 지들이 노상전도질하고 주여여여여어어어어어~ 하는 것처럼 되는게 아니잖아..??? (...)
※ 다 좋은데 관련법안 트위터 해쉬태그는 뭐얔ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

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